info tecniche
Tappa relativamente pianeggiante nella prima parte e poi mossa e articolata fino all’arrivo. Si contorna la città di Torino toccando alcune località del suo hinterland come Settimo Torinese e Chieri. Si prosegue poi verso sud fino a trovare le colline dell’Albese dove si scalano La Morra e Novello prima di giungere al circuito finale di 18 km (1 giro) che tocca oltre a Cherasco anche Narzole e il fondovalle del Tanaro. Nel 2010 sullo stesso arrivo Philippe Gilbert trionfò in quell’edizione del Gran Piemonte.
Ultimi km
Ultimi 3 km pianeggianti prima e poi dai 1500 m all’arrivo in salita abbastanza marcata con alcuni tornanti e pendenze fino al 9%. Ultimi 500m quasi pianeggianti.
partenza / arrivo
ultimi km
crono tabella
info turistiche
Città di:
San Francesco al Campo
San Francesco al Campo rises on the Vauda plateau (a Celtic term meaning ‘forest’), a few kilometres away from Turin. The current name of the town dates from the mid-1800s, and it comes from the name of the 18-century parish church dedicated to St. Francis of Assisi, and from the former military training camp that was setup in the surrounding plain.
Speciality food
The traditional ‘bunet’, a rich chocolate pudding made from eggs, sugar, cocoa, milk, liqueur and amaretti cookies, is a must-taste. It pairs perfectly with delicious Asti wines, both sweet and sparkling, or a still Moscato d’Asti.
Rising on a hillock, nestled in the stunning scenery of the ‘Langhe’, the beautiful town of Cherasco played a leading role in the history of Piedmont.
The castle of Cherasco (1348), the symbol of the town, was built by the Duke of Milan, Luchino Visconti, and is currently the venue of the Mercato dell’Antiquariato, currently in its 120th edition. Cherasco is an Orange Flag, as certified by the Touring Club of Italy, actively engaged in protecting the environment and in promoting its heritage as well as its traditional specialties: exquisite Barolo wine, and fine confectionery specialties (Baci di Cherasco). The town is also a leading centre for snail farming.