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135 km - Dislivello 600mt





Martedì 18  Giugno 2023 135km Dislivello 600mt

Ritirati: 0

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Tappa di chiusura del Giro 2023. Partenza da Tavagnacco (Cavalicco) città di Enzo Cainero e prima parte lievemente ondulata lungo le morene udinesi. Si passa da Pagnacco, Buja, Tarcento per proseguire nella zona dei vini di Nimis, Attimis, Faedis fino alla piana Cividalese. Nella provincia di Gorizia il passaggio è segnato dalla Grande Guerra con il Monte San Michele e il sacrario di Redipuglia per poi entrare nella provincia di Trieste attraverso la strada “alta” di Aurisina e Santa Croce. Breve picchiata verso la costa e volata finale della tappa e del Giro davanti a Piazza Unità d’Italia e al Molo Audace.
Ultimi km
Leggera discesa fino ai 2 km dall’arrivo dove la corsa percorre una breve rampa impegnativa per raggiungere la strada costiera. Ultimo chilometro completamente pianeggiante fino alla linea di arrivo.

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info turistiche

Città di:


Tavagnacco (Cavalicco)


Tavagnacco (Tavagnà in the local vernacular), shares borders with Udine. Tavagnacco has always been a major thoroughfare, which has influenced its history. Apparently, it was already settled back in the Palaeolithic, as demonstrated by archaeological finds. The church of Sant’Antonio Abate is the symbol of the town.


Speciality food

The iconic Gubana is a traditional specialty from the valleys of Friuli. Made of sweet pastry stuffed with nuts, sultanas, pine nuts, sugar, grappa and lemon zest, in a snail-shell shape, this cake first appeared in 1409 at a banquet during Pope Gregory XII’s visit to Cividale del Friuli.



Trieste was European City of Science in 2020. Washed by the sea, and often battered by the wind, the town was the birthplace of and a haven for many writers. Its centuries-old coffee tradition comes from the Habsburg domination and the influence of central Europe. The city has its own lingo when it comes to coffee: a ‘nero’ is a classic espresso, a ‘capo’ is a caffè macchiato, and a ‘gocciato’ is an espresso with a splash of steamed milk, while cappuccino is called ‘caffellatte’.

The Teatro Verdi, near the Piazza Unità, is one of the major cultural hubs of the city. It was the world’s first theatre being dedicated to the famous composer Giuseppe Verdi.

Trieste is also associated with famous writers such as Umberto Saba, Italo Svevo and James Joyce.

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